Saturday, February 1, 2014

Pass the Natty

   For my first blog post, I am tasked with talking about my experience with wine.  Well, this will be easy because there isn't much to talk about.  I have no idea about anything when it comes to wine.  I have figured out that I am a much bigger fan of white than red, but that is about it.
   My first experience with wine was classic Franzia out of a bag.  Let's just say it wasn't the best introduction to wine.  Since then I have a glass here and there, but I haven't found a wine that I would buy and/or drink on a regular basis.
  Wine is a very new subject for me.  I am hoping this class will help me expand my taste pallet beyond a nice cold Natty Light.  I'll be a real adult soon, it is time I start drinking like one.

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